Women's Health
Support through each cycle of life

Periods & Cycles
Women go through lots of hormonal changes through their lives, from puberty to the menopause and beyond. When you add in the stresses and strains of modern life (e.g.trying to find a work/life balance, caring for others, diet, exercise) it is not surprising that women can easily feel out of balance, tired, overwhelmed, and off kilter. This can be made worse during menstruation, fertility issues, and peri- and post-menopause.
Acupuncture can help with a lot of these issues and help you to feel calmer and more supported.
In 2018/19 I successfully completed a year-long post-graduate diploma in Gynaecology, Fertility and Obstetrics. I have helped many women over the years with acupuncture.
Specific issues:
Menstrual issues are a common problem, whether or not they are the reason for coming for acupuncture. Women often mention:
period pain, backache, feeling bloated or uncomfortable;
heavy or irregular bleeding, flooding or spotting;
infrequent periods;
feeling tired, tearful, irritable or angry;
PCOS, endometriosis.
Fertility and pregnancy:
​For example:
preparing for pregnancy;
issues with fertility;
nausea and vomiting in pregnancy;
pregnancy aches and pains;
birth preparation.

Perimenopause, menopause and beyond
Our bodies go through lots of changes during perimenopause and menopause. Acupuncture treatment can be of great support to help balance hormones and ease symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, feeling anxious, aches and pains etc. However, I also believe that this time in our lives is a great opportunity to live well and do the things we love, and acupuncture is brilliant at supporting us to do these things.